According to WHO, mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual recognizes his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make contributions to his or her community. Research has shown that good mental health is associated with better social relationships, physical health and productivity amongst others. Poor mental health which results in mental health conditions like depression amongst others is associated with anhedonia, low productivity, isolation, loss of appetite and suicidal thoughts.
Depression is a mental health condition characterized by the feeling of sadness for more than two weeks, anhedonia, withdrawal from close family and friends, lack of concentration, irritability, negative thoughts (like I’m a failure, I’m worthless or people would be better off without me), sleep problems, tiredness headaches and muscle pains amongst others.
There are several causes of depression, ranging from family history to personality factors like low self-esteem, over-worrying a lot, being over sensitive to criticism and the like. We hear all the time that depression kills but most people take it lightly, especially those that have never experienced it before. The suicidal thoughts are real and almost constant for a period but some people do not actually attempt suicide for religious reasons or the resultant negative impact it may have on their family. People tend to isolate themselves, have regrets about past mistakes or actions, think and believe that the world will be a better place without them just because they feel left out and that no one really cares about them.
Dealing with depression can be tough. It involves actively putting yourself out there which might be difficult for some people. Usually, it is advised that individuals struggling with depression should see a therapist but then some people feel ashamed to let out their business. Some might also choose to listen to music just to distract themselves from all the negative thoughts. Others just sleep to kill time, hoping that when they wake up things will be different but that is not always the case; the depressive cycle just repeats itself. There is often a trigger for most individuals struggling with depression; it could be stress from school, work, relationships or just the mere thought that one cannot find happiness due to different reasons. Usually, when someone says "I am not happy",; it does not mean nothing gives that person joy. It simply means “I cannot have what I really want”. They tend to generalize one unfortunate event in their life, ponder over it until that is the only thing they can think about, forgetting the million other things that could bring them happiness and that is where depression starts to creep in. The highlight here is that depression could be from multiple sources or just a single source.
The unfortunate climax of depression is suicide. Most people think that it is better to just end it because they cannot handle the pain that accompanies this condition. Some depressed individuals are also good at covering up the pain with smiles. This could be due to their personality type or their social support system. The point is, irrespective of how adept one is at masking the pain, it still is very much present no matter how well it is hidden. Hence the need to develop coping strategies to life’s inevitable lows and stressors in order that individuals may be protected from harming themselves physically and their loved ones, emotionally.
Depression I believe, may be the slowest but surest way to death but it need not have the last word!
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Author: Uche Abani |
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